Draw 4559 Entries Close:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec
Syndicates split up a large ticket to share the cost with other players. If the syndicate wins, the prizes are shared equally among the syndicate shares. You can buy multiple shares in a syndicate to increase your potential payout.
Each syndicate has 10 shares, and you can purchase multiple shares in the one syndicate.
Each player pays for their share and once all shares of a syndicate are filled, Oz Lotteries purchases the tickets. Once purchased, you will receive an email letting you know what numbers your syndicate is playing for this week’s draws.
After each game is drawn, we will send you a results email letting you know if your syndicate has won a prize. If your syndicate has won, Oz Lotteries divides the prize up equally between all shares and deposits the funds straight into your Oz Lotteries account. You will then be able to withdraw your winnings.
Once a Syndicate has been filled and your share has been purchased we are unable to cancel or refund your share.
If the Syndicate is not filled prior to the draw closing, your share will automatically be cancelled and your funds will be available in your Oz Lotteries account.
Syndicates are made up of small groups of 10 shares. This group size provides both increased chances of winning and lower-priced shares.
The following entries can be played as a Syndicate in TattsLotto:
Find out more about Systems.
To win Division 1 in TattsLotto, you need to match all 6 of your numbers in a single game to the 6 winning numbers in the draw. The numbers can appear in any order.
As most of our syndicates play System tickets, if your syndicate wins, you can win more than once!
To view the divisional prizes for each System type, view the System Entry Prize Tables.
As syndicates are open to all members of the public and are not exclusive, you cannot play in a Syndicate with your friends. However, you can play TattsLotto with your friends by joining or creating a Lotto Party.
Lotto Party is an exclusive Oz Lotteries feature that allows you to split the cost and winnings of your lottery tickets with your friends. Check out our Lotto Party page to learn more.
Yes! With more players contributing towards the games, as a Syndicate player you get more games for less, increasing your chances of winning.
*Estimated Division 1 prize pool.