Jane Anderson is a 33-year-old mother of three children, with a loving husband, a great job, and a busy social life. But, her world was turned upside down when she discovered a lump in her breast. Jane had no family history of breast cancer, so the diagnosis came as a total surprise to her.
Jane underwent seven months of chemotherapy treatment at Mater which she describes as “the hardest thing she has ever had to do.”
Fortunately, Jane had the support of the Mater medical team, friends, and family. Jane was one of the lucky ones and has now been declared cancer-free.
Mater researcher Dr. Patricia Carreira is investigating how ‘jumping genes’ affect cancer progression and whether they can be used to identify which cancers are going to spread. Your support through Cars for Cancer funds this ground-breaking research and has the power to help more patients like Jane.
Mater Cars for Cancer is one of the lotteries run by Mater Foundation Queensland. Six lotteries are run each year, giving supporters a chance to win a ready-to-rev, high-performance V8! Tickets are limited for each lottery and are only $30, and the first prize value is always at least $150,000.
The best part about Mater Cars for Cancer lottery is that you know you’re supporting a great cause. All money raised through the Mater Cars for Cancer lottery helps fund medical research to diagnose and treat cancer. As an internationally recognised medical research institute, Mater Research is invested in preventing and treating conditions in people of all ages and helping them to enjoy healthier lives.
Mater Cars for Cancer lottery gives you a fantastic chance of winning an incredible high-performance V8, while also helping Mater to fight cancer.
Show your support for world-class cancer research happening at Mater today by purchasing tickets in the latest Mater Cars for Cancer lottery.
Funding that has gone towards medical and clinical research to help treat, and ultimately prevent, a range of diseases including various cancers.
Your support of Mater Cars for Cancer lottery helps to fund:
Every dollar makes a difference.