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$70 Million Powerball Winners Come Forward

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The Mystery is over! The $70 million Powerball winners from Queensland and New South Wales have been found!

New South Wales Winners

A couple in their forties from Shellharbour on the mid north coast of New South Wales were the first of the three Division 1 winners to claim their prize. Their winning 24-game Quickpick was purchased from a local newsagency and brought them over $23 million in prize money.

Consequently, the winning husband said he “hadn’t slept a wink” since realising they’d won Division 1 in last night’s draw. “I still can’t believe this,” he said, “I must admit I’ve been a bit of a mess!”

He described how a last minute decision to buy a ticket had resulted in the shock of his life. “I was actually sitting in my car the other day and thought… I should really get a Powerball ticket. So instead of driving away, I got out of my car, crossed the street, and bought my winning ticket!”

The lucky couple stayed up “all night” talking about how to use their amazing windfall. They plan to upgrade their house and boat, set their children up for life, and travel. “I’m pretty sure I’ll quit work too!” added the husband.

Queensland Winners

Up the border in the north Queensland town of Ayr, a family is in shock after realising their lives have changed forever. Their 26-game Quickpick, purchased from a local newsagency, was one of three Division 1 winning tickets and brought them over $23 million in prize money.

The winning wife was reduced to whispers when lottery officials contacted her to confirm the stunning news. “I’m in shock,” she said. “This is just a little overwhelming!”

After news spread through the town like wildfire that one of their own had won Division 1, an acquaintance of the family joked that maybe they were the missing millionaires. The winning husband checked their ticket online against the winning numbers and “couldn’t believe it” when they matched all 6 numbers plus the Powerball.

The couple said they had “no idea” what to do with their once-in-a-lifetime blessing. “I really can’t get my head around the fact that we’ve won!” said the winning wife. “I feel like someone is going to tell me it’s all a joke!”

The Search Continues…

Meanwhile, the search for the mystery Western Australian $70 million Powerball winners continues. The third and final Division 1 winning ticket was purchased from a local newsagency in the metropolitan Perth area, but no further details are known at this time.

The winning numbers from Powerball draw 1017 on Thursday the 12th of November were 3, 15, 19, 26, 35, and 1 plus Powerball number 18.

How to Win the Powerball Thursday?

This could be you! If you’re interested in playing the game but don’t know how, you can read about how to play Powerball online here. This will answer all your frequently asked questions and give you some tips!

Buy your Powerball Thursday ticket online from the comfort of your home and eliminate the risk of losing your ticket.

Powerball - 10 Million

This Thursday $10 Million

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