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New Pricing Announcement

Starting on Friday, 19 May 2023, Oz Lotteries will be updating the pricing for a selection of our lottery tickets. 

Aside from the Powerball specifics mentioned below, no other game elements, such as rules, odds, or prizes, will be altered. Autoplay will proceed seamlessly with the updated prices unless you decide to pause or cancel.

Pricing Update

Upgrades to Powerball Prizes

Powerball is adjusting its divisional prize structure to offer increased chances of larger jackpots and more significant prizes for Divisions 2 through 9. Alongside the price change, the Powerball Prize Pool Distribution for each Prize Division will be modified, as displayed in the table below.

Prize Division Current* New**
Division 1 35.00% 33.50%
Division 2 1.80% 1.85%
Division 3 1.10% 2.30%
Division 4 2.00% 2.00%
Division 5 1.50% 1.50%
Division 6 9.70% 9.40%
Division 7 7.60% 7.30%
Division 8 15.00% 15.50%
Division 9 26.30% 26.65%

* Current Allocation of Prize Pool (up to and including Draw 1409)
** New Allocation of Prize Pool (effective from Draw 1410)


Update for Monday and Wednesday Lotto has changed to a new look Weekday Windfall game, with the addition of a third game on Friday. The first Weekday Windfall draw was on Monday 20 May 2024.


From 19 May 2023, ticket prices for Powerball, Oz Lotto, Monday Lotto & Wednesday Lotto, Saturday Lotto, Lotto Strike, Mega Jackpot and Super Jackpot, and Set for Life, will increase. This includes any entries purchased using AutoPlay.

Your AutoPlay will continue purchasing automatically with the new pricing applied. You will automatically be charged the increased price, unless you pause or cancel your AutoPlay.

Here is an example scenario:
A 10 game Oz Lotto AutoPlay
Prior to 19 May 2023, this will automatically purchase each week for $16.00.
From 19 May 2023, this will automatically purchase each week for $16.50.

If you do not want your AutoPlay to continue purchasing with the new price, please ensure you pause or cancel your AutoPlay prior to 19 May 2023.

Lotto Party AutoPlays

As with other AutoPlays, Lotto Party AutoPlays will be affected by the price increase. Our team will automatically adjust your entries to align with the new pricing so you can continue enjoying Lotto Party without any interruptions.

All entries will continue purchasing automatically, as per your settings. However, this will depend on your chosen share and settings. 

For Fixed Price shares, we will continue to purchase as many games as possible with your combined Lotto Party total. 

For Advanced Play style shares, like System and PowerHits, Your Lotto Party will continue with the new price applied. For existing sessions, we will attempt to purchase as many tickets in your preferred play style as possible using the new pricing. If necessary, we will supplement the remaining entries with standard tickets. Future Lotto Party sessions will be created using the new price point.

Some examples include: 

Lotto Party Share Current* New**

$10 share in a Powerball Lotto Party with 10 people

74x standard games for a combined $100 total. 

64x standard games for $100 total. Your share remains at $10.

Powerball PowerHit Lotto Party with 10 people

10x PowerHit games for a combined $270 total. Your share is $27.

10x PowerHit game for a combined $310 total. Your share is $31.

Oz Lotto System 8 in a Lotto Party with 3 people

3x System 8 entries for a combined $38.40 total. Your share is $13.20.

2x System 8 entries and 7x standard games for a combined total of $38.40. Your share is $13.20.

* Current Allocation of Prize Pool (up to and including Draw 1409)
** New Allocation of Prize Pool (effective from Draw 1410)

If you do not want your Lotto Party to continue purchasing with the new price, please ensure you pause or cancel your AutoPlay prior to 19 May 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are ticket prices changing?
The decision to increase the lottery ticket prices was not made lightly and was made with great care. This minimal increase will contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of Oz Lotteries, allowing us to continue providing amazing lotteries experiences to our customers. 

When will the price change happen?
The new pricing will come into effect from Friday, 19 May 2023, across all lotteries. 

When are the Powerball changes happening?
The new pricing will come into effect from Friday, 19 May 2023, along with the other price changes. The first draw with the adjusted divisional prize structure will be drawn on Thursday, 25 May 2023 (Draw 1410). 

What happens to tickets purchased prior to the price change?
Any tickets purchased prior to the price adjustment, at the previous price, will remain valid entries with no additional fees or charges.

Do I pay more when purchasing via Oz Lotteries? 
Yes, Oz Lotteries lottery tickets are priced higher than those purchased from The Lottery Corporation. The additional fees in your purchase assist us in covering our expenses while enabling us to improve the overall online experience for our customers. The premium fees are outlined in the Oz Lotteries Terms & Conditions

Are the chances of winning changing for any game?
No. There will be no changes to the chances of winning any prize, including the top prizes for any of the games. 

Will my Lotto Party session still work?
Yes, Lotto Party sessions will continue to purchase the best possible entry combination based on the funded shares. 

Here is an example scenario:

You have an ongoing Oz Lotto Lotto Party session for your group, purchased in 2022. The session has a System 8 $12.80 as the single share price point. Three members of the group fund the session, bringing the total session pool to $38.40 (3 x $12.80). On 19 May 2023, the new price comes into effect, which increases the cost of an Oz Lotto System 8 to $13.20.

On Tuesday 23 May, your Lotto Party session will attempt to purchase as many System 8 entries as possible at the new price point with your session's funding pool. This will work out to be two System 8 entries at the new price, totalling $26.20. The remaining $12.20 will then be used to purchase standard games equivalent to the remaining value.

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Looking for more help? If you'd prefer to chat with someone about the change, our Customer Support team is happy to help.

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