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$70 Million Powerball Jackpot This Thursday

Jurrasicpark Thisthursday

The $70 Million Powerball jackpot is here!

After six straight weeks of jackpots, Powerball hits a massive $70 million this Thursday. Time to start imagining what your $70 million life looks like (oh boy it’s good)!

Dreamhouse (Or should we say palace…)?

dream house lotto winner

Trip of a lifetime?

dream holiday lotto winner

New car?

new car lotto winner

Whatever your motivation for playing lotto, you definitely don’t want to miss $70 million Powerball jackpot this Thursday!

Lottery officials are speculating whether the record for the largest single Powerball win will be broken this Thursday. The current record of $58.7 million was won by a Melbourne lotto player in 2008, while the largest single win in any game happened in 2013 when a Gold Coast lotto player won $70 million in Oz Lotto.

The last jackpot of this size was in August 2014 and was shared between 2 winners from Queensland and NSW. Each winner took home a Division 1 share worth $35,904,620.67. Shared by a group of 15 syndicate members, the NSW winners walked away with $2.4 million each – nothing to sniff at!

Powerball - 60 Million

Tomorrow – 9:27 am $60 Million

Entries Close:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec

What is the Powerball lottery?

Modelled on the famous American lottery, Powerball is a unique lotto game featuring balls drawn from two separate barrels. Powerball has a guaranteed minimum Division 1 prize pool of $3,000,000  and reached a record $150,000,000 jackpot in 2019.

If you’ve never played the game before and want to know more, you can read about how to play Powerball online here. This will help answer all of your frequently asked questions and give you some tips! There many different game types so it’s important to brush up on your knowledge before you purchase. Give yourself the best chance possible!

Powerball - 60 Million

Tomorrow – 9:27 am $60 Million

Entries Close:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec

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Powerball Winners & Jackpots